Saturday, April 19, 2014


Hi Everyone, Colby writing to you today. My Daddy is soaking in the bath tub. Why? Read below.

While my Grandma was watching movies on her Roku all day, Gigi and Grandi relaxing on a North Carolina beach and my Uncle Greg and Aunt Jenny paddling and/or kayaking with friends my Daddy was HARD (he told me to emphasize hard) at work chopping and stacking firewood. The electric company cut down one of the biggest trees on our property last fall. My Daddy used a chain saw for the first time in his life to cut up most of the tree. That wood stayed in our yard all winter. With the weather breaking into spring my Daddy set about chopping, splitting and stacking. This took two days to complete. See the completed work in the pictures below. My Daddy says this will be the last wood kept if we ever have another tree chopped down.

1 comment:

  1. We also split a tree this winter into fire wood…even larger than this. Derrick's toes were cramping when we were finished! But the boys loved the splitter and Scott wasn't too shabby splitting some by hand with an axe. Just wait until Colby gets a little older and cutting trees will be good "manly" work!
