Thursday, May 28, 2015

Daniel found a box of tissues

We need to start putting more things out of his reach.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Daniel's one year old doctors check up

33rd percentile (21 pounds) on weight, 73rd percentile on length (30.5'') and 96th percentile on head circumference (49 cm).   Everything looks good.  Our goal is to ween him off the formula from a bottle and onto whole milk from a sippy cup.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Daniel's 1st Birthday

Daniel enjoyed a cupcake made by Mommy and Colby

Notice the cupcake in his hair!  

Daniel enjoyed the bows, ribbons and paper more than the presents inside.  Colby is still searching for HIS present - why are all the presents for Daniel?

Colby modeling the sweater knitted by Grandma