Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekend activities

Colby is having a fun weekend.

He received a present from Ms. Pat Friday evening.

Followed by a haircut Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Speed Racer

Fantastic weather in our community over the weekend. We brought Colby's battery powered car outside. He managed to drive it over towards our fence all on his own. When he looked up and saw how far away from us he was he began to cry and then refused to go for another ride. We'll try again next weekend.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stew Leonard's

Colby visited Stew Leonard's grocery store for the first time Saturday with Daddy. He did not particularly like Clover the Cow.

Later in the afternoon we went to a pool party hosted by one of our Church members. Colby had been coughing for a few days so we decided not to let him swim. He did not like this and eventually we rolled up the legs of his pants and let him furiously kick, with a big smile of course, his legs in the pool. He later fell and bloodied his nose. People who didn't see the fall asked if one of the many Yankees fans in attendance punched him on account of the shirt he was wearing.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Daddy loves these pictures

Colby is at a very enjoyable age.  Unless he is tired, thirsty or hungry he is in a happy mood.  He is sooo  much fun to play with and is very much into exploring new things.  He is also beginning to say a lot of new words and he understands much of what we say to him, such as "Colby, put your toys in the basket" or "Give this to Mommy, please".  Last Sunday he actually climbed out of his crib and fell onto the floor.  This scared Daddy and Grandma a lot (Mommy wasn't home at the time) but thank goodness he didn't injure himself.  The mattress is already at the lowest level so I guess we will be setting up his "big boy" room soon.  


Colby and Daddy enjoyed "Move and Groove" at the library Saturday morning.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Larry the Lobster

We enjoyed a lobster bake tonight. My mother and I ate everything except the lobster. Ashley, on the other hand, enjoyed her lobster very much. The experience was made even better by our waiter removing all the meat for her.

Colby, however, was scared by the Larry the Lobster mascot that was circulating through the restaurant.

Chatham - Day 2

In the early afternoon we boarded a small boat for a lobstering tour.  We saw seals, crabs and lobsters.  The seal population has quadrupled in the last ten years.  This has led to a reduction in game fish (bluefish and sea bass) but an increase in the number of white sharks, including some greats.  

This is where we stayed -- The Chatham Bars Inn

Following a leisurely morning breakfast we visited the playground.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


We are spending the weekend at Chatham on Cape Cod.  Colby has seen many dogs and two rabbits.  We also learned that he enjoys eating dill pickles.  He capped the day off by having Mommy buy him his first ever football.