Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Playing cousins

Max and Colby are enjoying themselves at the beach.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby lineup

A member of the New Mom's group hosted a pool party Saturday afternoon. Here are some photos of the younger participants. Our son is the biggest baby of the bunch.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Swimming Pool

Colby visited the town swimming pool for the first time Saturday afternoon.  Both Ashley and I were concerned that he didn't like the water at Lake Candlewood last weekend so we were slightly determined to help him overcome those initial fears.  

We decided to let Ashley take him into the water first and to do so in a gradual manner.  Brian then followed and got a little more adventurous.  Everything went well and Colby really seemed to enjoy himself.   

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A good weekend

Colby did not enjoy swimming in Candlewood Lake on Saturday but his Mommy and Daddy sure did. It was the first time Daddy was on a pontoon boat.

Colby had a much better time Skypeing with his Grandmother W on Sunday and playing with his baby gym.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The two T's : thumb and tummy

Colby has started to suck his thumb and enjoy tummy time.

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Location:Hunting Ln,Westport,United States

Monday, July 4, 2011

Colby's First Fourth of July

We hosted a cook-out in our backyard.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 4

Marcia, Oliver and Max are visiting over the holiday weekend.  Saturday afternoon was spent at the beach.  

Ashley outfitted Colby perfectly, including some cool sunglasses and a neat hat.

We were given a special treat from lots of sailers.  Never had we seen so many colorful spinaker sails in action.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The beach

One of our favorite summertime activities is gathering with friends for a picnic dinner at the beach. We did this often last year and now have Colby to join us this year. He was the focus of everyone's attention. The only time he cried was when one of our friends made the terrible error of putting his Yankees hat on Colby's head. Colby's reaction made his father very proud. While his Dad has every intention of encouraging Colby to pick his own favorite team (assuming Colby will like team sports) he doesn't know how he will respond if Colby chooses the Yankees.

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